Alejandra Mettler
Projects Texts CV BanderasUnidas Contact ESPAÑOL ENGLISH
UNRAVELLING Performance - 2000
Auditorium - Province Centre of Arts Exposition - 2008  Pure Life From early adolescence, when we realize about life changes, to the internal revolution of pregnant miracle, our body and its fluids impose their pace. Many female artists have worked with that "awareness", putting their own bodies in performing acts and in the records of those expressions. Alejandra Mettler chooses again strings and wools to form images that make us follow the corporeal aspect in a metaphorical way. Her hands are present there, though in this case not through a collective action as in Banderas Unidas, but in an intimate, introspective way. The heart fading on a palm's hand and the knitting and unravelling actions tell us about time, perception, and about that private and subjective process of biological times. The Heart-Time is the Heart-Life, the one that beats, shines, and transmutes in a myriad of related images. The strings are life strings, as the umbilical cord gives the gift of life. Strings that knit unions, channels, rivers, blood, beatings or life. And women are givers of history, healers of soul; Alejandra seems to be trying to say. Delfina Helguera


- Alejandra Mettler - ﷯