Alejandra Mettler
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HOME SWEET HOME PROJECT Montevideo Biennial Collateral Event Carrasco Airport - 2013
HOME SWEET HOME PROJECT I always have had curiosity about observation of birds and their nests, drawing and painting them. In 2000, wool became one of the materials, element and tool of my experimental Artistic Work. Previous moving to Uruguay in 2010, I was invited to realize a very extended exposition called INTERVENTIONS at the Art Pavilion of Argentine Catholic University (UCA) in Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires, Argentina, in the context of the Bicentenary of the Nation. At the same time, I proposed a performance that consisted on carrying a Knitted Egg and a cord Woven to form a nest around the egg. I carry out the act at the terrace where students were having lunch. Quietly I placed the Egg in the centre of the space and spontaneously some of the students showed interest in it and helped me. I stayed there until all the woven work was unravel, thus creating the nest. That same day I set out on travel to Montevideo, the place where I now live, along with my sons, exiling me. Far is close... In this stage of the project, the work was participatory. Birds were the ones that helped me to reflect and construct the act. I decided to live in their homes, unknowing the reason for the renounce, and I intervened their nests with delicate and tender Knitted Eggs. I reflected on it. The answers are generally in front of my eyes, and then I asked me...about how we are knitting Our People, Our Nations, Our Families, and Our Houses...Our Nests... Birds have no frontiers or flags. Their nests are constant airports for arrivals and departs...The architectural model of these Mobile Home-Nests in the airport, reminded me to Modern Towers, Penthouses, Gated Communities, Bird Cages...Motor Homes...Mobile Emotions...Rolling Emotions... Civilization moves forward, and nothing is like yesterday. Alejandra Mettler


- Alejandra Mettler - ﷯