Alejandra Mettler
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REVERENCE TO EARTH Reverence to Earth project Salt Lakes, Jujuy, Argentina 2008 When Spanish conquerors arrived, Pachamama already was a legend among the Inca world, known as the Higher Goddess Mother of Earth, wife of Pachachámac, supreme creator, God of Gods and all existence. In Jujuy, mountain people continue to worship Pachamama, as their ancestor made centuries ago. Many celebrations are made in her name, celebrated in specific periods as the beginning of sowing or harvesting time. First and last day of Carnival are also unavoidable ritual times. It exists besides, acts and ritual praying’s to recover the spirit of those who feel sad and downhearted. In August, Pachamama's month, I realized an artistic intervention in the Salt Lakes area in Jujuy province, Argentina, next to Route 52. The Reverences to Earth work, is an act of gratitude for the shelter that holds us in the elapse of life. The project consisted on drawing the Peace and Love symbol, with a 7 metres diameter, including the holy lands of that province, extracted from the Seven Colours Mountain, sited in Purmamarca. An act that was possible to accomplish after asking for the cacique's permission, the Chiefs and guardians of that lands, following the Inca ritual of respect for the place that shelter our steps, worshipping our habitat, our home and nest, honouring traditions. After three months, I returned to the place and made a photo record work to show how, with the pass of time, the environment had interacted with the original work. The Reverence to Pachamama is probably the most popular among the mythic Inca believes that still survive in Jujuy province. Alejandra Mettler


- Alejandra Mettler - ﷯