Alejandra Mettler
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CELEBRATING THE BICENTENARIE San Jorge Village, 2010 ...This experience became a touching explanation about our own feelings and emotions, as in certain way they are unaware to us. Hatred is not something that we decide, as it is feeling. Joy is not chosen, as it happens. Fear is not searched, as it is found. Emotions lies beneath speeches and reasons, and at the same time they are the visceral reflexions of our experiences, the most genuine secret of our own, because is our identity what made of us no-machines. Even the machines are amazing; small, static, mobile, square, in colours, able to play chess better than the best of the chess master, and yet unable to feel thrilled by this; they can not feel. This conjunction is something curious, as it seems that the deepest parts of our identity escapes to our own will... And what it is yet to be celebrated... Alejandra Mettler


- Alejandra Mettler - ﷯